השתלמויות CME, וובינרים חיים & לפי דרישה | Dental Tribune Israel

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Pension age discrimination – What does the McCloud judgement mean for you and your pension?

Financial Consultant Stephen Barry
Financial Consultant Karen Pincher
Financial Consultant Stephen Barry, Financial Consultant Karen Pincher
לפי דרישה
סמינר מקוון

Management of ECC under COVID 19 conditions

Prof. Dr. Norbert Krämer
Prof. Dr. Norbert Krämer
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Why do dental implants work? The influence of implant surfaces and materials.

Dr. Scott Davis BDS MDSc FRACDS
Dr. Scott Davis BDS MDSc FRACDS
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Complex augmentation procedures with bone shields and bone blocks

Dr. Till Gerlach
Dr. Till Gerlach
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The Bone-Implant Void: Managing the Gap

Dr. Phil Walton
Dr. Phil Walton
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Conversations on perio disease.

Dr. Alif Moosajee BDS MFGDP(UK) MJDF RCSEng
Dr. Alif Moosajee BDS MFGDP(UK) MJDF RCSEng
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סמינר מקוון

Tackling Antibiotic Resistance: What can the dental profession do?

Dr. Wendy Thompson
Dr. Wendy Thompson
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Implant surface, a key factor for-long term implant performance

Prof. em. Dr. Daniel Buser DDS
Prof. em. Dr. Daniel Buser DDS
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The road to achieving and maintaining periodontal health: Contemporary step-by-step periodontal treatment & care

Prof. Stefan Renvert
Prof. David Herrera
Prof. Jöerg Meyle
Prof. Lijian Jin
Prof. Stefan Renvert, Prof. David Herrera, Prof. Jöerg Meyle, Prof. Lijian Jin
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סמינר מקוון

Dental care for patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Adj.Prof. Joanna Slowik PhD
Adj.Prof. Joanna Slowik PhD
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Another pandemic: Diabetes! Why should the dental team bother?

 Corinna Bruckmann MD, MSc
Corinna Bruckmann MD, MSc
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סמינר מקוון

Indication-based abutment selection

Dr. Julia-Gabriela Wittneben
Dr. Julia-Gabriela Wittneben
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סמינר מקוון

Crushing Candy: The Mental Health Pandemic

 Kristy Menage Bernie RDH, MS, RYT
Kristy Menage Bernie RDH, MS, RYT
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סמינר מקוון

Inflammation and type 2 diabetes: pathogenesis and current treatment protocols

Prof. Marc Y. Donath MD
Prof. Marc Y. Donath MD
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סמינר מקוון

Virtual Lead Capture and Conversion: Exposed-Myths and Fears Busted

Dr. Jaswinder Gill BDS LDS MFGDP
Dr. Jaswinder Gill BDS LDS MFGDP
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סמינר מקוון

Why Practices Need to Implement Retail Healthcare

Dr. Ryan Hungate DDS
Dr. Ryan Hungate DDS
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סמינר מקוון

Managing Halitosis

Dr. Milad Shadrooh
Dr. Milad Shadrooh
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A new SPLIT CREST technique

Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti
Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti
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Planning, Presentation, and Performing Full Arch Restorations

 Anthony Deliberato DDS
Anthony Deliberato DDS
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סמינר מקוון

Caries Risk Assessment and Patient Management Strategies

 Marcelle Nascimento DDS, MS, PhD
Marcelle Nascimento DDS, MS, PhD
לפי דרישה
סמינר מקוון

Current Concepts for the Use of Lasers in Oral Surgery

Dr. Robert J. Miller MA, DDS, FACD, DABOI
Dr. Robert J. Miller MA, DDS, FACD, DABOI
לפי דרישה
סמינר מקוון

Ageing and periodontal disease: look out before you leap

Dr. Eric Thevissen
Dr. Eric Thevissen