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3Shape – TRIOS 5 Wireless
TRIOS 5 Wireless is recognised for its innovative performance and design. A double winner at the UK’s Dental Industry Awards, Dental Products Report also named TRIOS 5 one of the Top Game Changers ...
3Shape – TRIOS 4 intraoral scanner
The award winning 3Shape TRIOS 4 intraoral scanner comes with increased battery life (+30%), optimized wireless performance, smart tips, and groundbreaking caries diagnostic aid technology for surface...
3Shape – Communicate
Integrieren Sie TRIOS in die Arbeitsabläufe Ihrer Praxis oder Klinik TRIOS ist so konzipiert, dass es sich problemlos in ihr aktuelles Praxis-Management-System integrieren lässt und für die ...
3Shape – TRIOS intraoral scanners
3Shape TRIOS intraoral scanners have won the Cellerant "Best of Class" award for intraoral scanning an unprecedented seven years in a row. The world’s first and only wireless scanner, 3Shape TRIOS ...